If you unexpectedly become ill, or have an accident or injury while you are in New Zealand, OrbitProtect will cover your doctor, hospital and treatment costs (over your excess amount*), if your claim is accepted. If you require hospitalisation or surgery, you may need pre-approval from OrbitProtect to check your cover. Check below for information on when you would need pre-approval and how to make a claim.

*Excess please note that your policy may have an excess relating to your treatment. An excess is the amount of a claim that you must pay yourself. It is not covered by your OrbitProtect policy and we will deduct it from your claim.

Medical Provider Treatment

Many illness or health issues can be addressed by a visit to your GP (doctor). Depending on your OrbitProtect policy, you may also be covered to see a Dentist, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Chiropractor or Acupuncturist.

Check your policy to see if you are covered for these services, how much you can claim and what your excess is.

Urgent Care

We suggest calling the free NZ government Healthline service on 0800 611 116 first to determine how urgent your health issue might be and what you should do next. If your health issue is urgent and occurs after normal practice hours (e.g. between 5pm and 8am), you may need to attend a 24-hour clinic if there is one in your location or go to the Emergency Department of your nearest hospital.

1. Health concern

If you have an injury or medical issue, please start by calling Healthline to find out if you need to see a doctor or if you need more urgent care.

You can make a free call to Healthline on 0800 611 116.

Healthline might recommend you see a GP, so go ahead and book an appointment with the medical centre or practice you are registered with, or your nearest location if you are not already registered. This applies to Experience NZ and Working Holiday Insurance policyholders.

If you have our International Student or RSE/Seasonal Worker insurance, you can book an appointment with one of our OrbitPay medical providers, where you will be able to use your OrbitPay Card.

When you pay with your OrbitPay Card you don’t need to pay any fees upfront, and no claiming process is necessary.

Health concerns travel insurance