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You have now been approved into the OrbitProtect Affiliate Program but where do you start? Here is a quick guide on how to start advertising and earning commissions!

Setting up your banner ad or link
First you need to choose a banner based on what type of insurance policy you wish to sell.

  1. Firstly, go to the 'Get Banners' section
  2. From the 'choose your style' dropdown menu, select the policy type and banner size you'd like to use.
  3. Next, select if you'd like your banner to open in a new window when clicked, or to open in the same window.
  4. Copy the embed code and paste it onto your website. Now, whenever your banner is clicked and a sale is made, you will earn a commission!

Note: You also have the option to use a standard text link.

Tracking your sales
Whenever a sale is made through one of your banners or links, it will be tracked on the 'Affiliate Dashboard' and also on the 'Earnings' section.

Requesting a payment
On the 'Earnings' screen, you may request a payment once every 30 days if you have a positive earnings balance. Once you have requested a payment, we will contact you to organise payment.

Further help
Feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance regarding our Affiliate Program

ph: (within NZ) 0800 478 833
ph: (outside NZ) +64 3434 8151
e: service@orbitprotect.com

Affiliate Portal

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Need some help?

See our getting started guide.

Getting Started